Vickers Wellington JA308 crash in Stranocum, Co. Antrim

On 20th November 1944, Vickers Wellington JA308 crash landed near Stranocum Hall, Co. Antrim. Fortunately all five men on board survived the accident.

On 20th November 1944, Vickers Wellington JA308 crashed in an orchard near Stranocum Hall, Co. Antrim. The Mark VIII bomber from the Empire Air Navigation School at RAF Shawbury, Shropshire was on a navigation exercise over Rathlin Island.

In poor weather and icy conditions, Wellington JA308 developed engine problems, losing the use of both its altimeter and airspeed indicator.

The pilot tried to force land over Co. Antrim but clipped trees near the crash site as the plane lost height. All five of the aircrew survived the crash as members of staff from the hall rushed to their aid. The staff later received a letter of thanks.

A plaque at the crash site reads:

The crash site of the RAF Wellington bomber which came down at Stranocum House on November 20th 1944. Fortunately the five crew members survived due to the courageous action of local people. The plaque was erected by SDCA June 2005.