
Featured image for Visiting General Richter’s Bunker in Caen

Visiting General Richter’s Bunker in Caen


8th March 2018

General Richter's bunker lies under the Mémorial de Caen Museum near Caen. The museum opened on 6th June 1988, forty-four years after Richter left the post.

Featured image for Military Vehicles on parade, Bayeux

Military Vehicles on parade, Bayeux


8th March 2018

Hundreds of military vehicles, some used in Normandy in 1944 take to the streets of Bayeux to mark 70 years since the town's liberation from Nazi forces.

D-Day Commemoration service in Bayeux Cathedral, Normandy


8th March 2018

I visited Bayeux on 8th June 2014, 70 years after Allies liberated the city. World leaders attended a commemoration ceremony at the cathedral days before.

Featured image for Belfast Blitz: The Docks Raid

Belfast Blitz: The Docks Raid


7th March 2018

The Belfast Blitz was the name given to a series of Luftwaffe raids on Northern Ireland in 1941. The Docks Raid came on the night of 7th-8th April 1941.

Featured image for A Luftwaffe Focke-Wulf Condor crash in Belfast Lough

A Luftwaffe Focke-Wulf Condor crash in Belfast Lough


7th March 2018

In July 1940 a Focke-Wulf Condor laid mines in Belfast Lough sinking of the SS Troutpool. A week later, the Luftwaffe returned with disastrous consequences.

Six of the best from Colonel Paddy Mayne


7th March 2018

Colonel Paddy, the nickname given to ferocious SAS co-founder Robert Blair Mayne, lives on in military legend. His actions with the SAS were truly heroic.

US Army segregation in Northern Ireland


7th March 2018

During World War Two, over one million black servicemen served in segregated US Army regiments. Many of those men were briefly based in Northern Ireland.

Featured image for Pancake Day in wartime Northern Ireland

Pancake Day in wartime Northern Ireland


7th March 2018

Pancake Tuesday is a great opportunity to tuck into a tasty treat. Even during World War Two with rationing in effect, it was possible to enjoy pancakes.

Featured image for Belfast Blitz: A city unprepared for war

Belfast Blitz: A city unprepared for war


7th March 2018

In 1941, the city of Belfast remained unprepared for the arrival of war to its doorstep. On 7th April 1941, the Luftwaffe arrived and everything changed.