In 1941, as the Belfast Blitz unfolded, a remarkable story was taking place at Belfast Zoo. This is the story of Sheila the Elephant and her keeper Denise.
On 15th-16th April 1941, the capital of Northern Ireland came under ferocious attack from the Luftwaffe as the city endured The Easter Raid of the Belfast Blitz.
The North West 200 is one of Ulster's largest sporting events having first run on 20th April 1929. What happened to road racing during the Second World War?
In June each year, Translink run "Bus and Train Week". We have taken the Metro bus service around Belfast to explore a range of Second World War sites.
Avro Anson LV153 crash in the Sperrin Mountains, Co. Tyrone
On the night of 4th-5th May 1941, Luftwaffe bombers wreaked havoc across much of north, east, and central Belfast in what became known as The Fire Raid.
The old Sunnylands Camp near Carrickfergus, Co. Antrim was the setting for the activation of 1st Battalion United States Army Rangers on 19th June 1942.
Northern Ireland has a world-famous relationship with the game of golf and one of today's top superstars reveals he has a passion for World War Two history.
By 1942, America had joined World War Two and those men based in Northern Ireland brought some home comforts including the national past time of baseball.