Sugarhouse Entry, Belfast

Sugarhouse Entry took its name from the old sugar refinery in Belfast. This lane once ran parallel to Bridge Street between High Street and Waring Street.

Sugarhouse Entry


Northern Ireland

Sugarhouse Entry in the Belfast Blitz

Photographers from the Belfast Telegraph captured the aftermath of the Belfast Blitz in 1941 when Luftwaffe bombs devastated the Sugarhouse Entry area.

Sugarhouse Entry, Belfast

Belfast Telegraph Photo: AR 161. Destruction of buildings in Sugarhouse Entry, Belfast. These famous entries in the city are where Henry Joy McCracken and the United Irishmen met in 1798.

Places of Interest

The following places will be of interest to anyone wishing to explore more of the area's Second World War heritage.

Map showing The Bambridge Hotel, Sugarhouse Entry, Belfast

The Bambridge Hotel, Sugarhouse Entry, Belfast

2-6 Sugarhouse Entry, Belfast

In 1941, the Belfast Blitz destroyed Sugarhouse Entry, and the Bambridge Hotel that stood on the site of a historic tavern used by the United Irishmen.