Reichstag Building, Berlin, Germany

The Reichstag Building in Berlin is one of the most historic in the German capital. It suffered heavy Allied bombing in 1945 as well as the fire of 1933.

Reichstag Building

Platz der Republik 1




The Reichstag, Berlin

The Reichstag in Berlin is the seat of the German Parliament. It was the site of a fire on 27th February 1933, one month after Adolf Hitler came to power. Photo taken on 22nd October 2017.

The Reichstag Building in Berlin 1945

Imperial War Museum Photo: BU 8573 (Part of the War Office Second World War Official Collection). The Reichstag Building in ruins after the allied bombing of Berlin. Photo taken on 3rd June 1945 by Sergeant CH Hewitt - No. 5 Army Film & Photographic Unit.
