16th August

On 16th August 1945, several residents of Millbrook near Larne, Co. Antrim received injuries in an incident involving the Belgian Army.

Belgian Army lorry involved in incident at Millbrook, Co. Antrim


17th July 2019

Northern Irish court prosecuted a member of the Belgian Army for reckless driving after an incident at Millbrook, Co. Antrim, which injured several locals.

Remembering the Fallen

John Gilmore

Private | 29318

Private John Gilmore served in 18th Battalion New Zealand Infantry although he was born in Belfast. He died in Germany on 16th August 1944.

David Gwynfryn Humphreys

Lance Corporal | 3957954

Lance Corporal David Gwynfryn Humphreys died on 16th August 1944 while serving in 1/5th Battalion Welch Regiment in the hard-fought Battle of Normandy.