Alexander Park

Alexander Park's last address was given as Omagh, Co. Tyrone as he boarded S.S. Athenia on his return to the United States of America.


Alexander Park

Alexander Park was born in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA but gave an address of c/o McAleer or Omagh, Co. Tyrone. He died following the sinking of S.S. Athenia.

Civilian Alexander Park was a passenger on board S.S. Athenia when it sank on 3rd September 1939. He gave an address of c/a/ McAleer, Omagh, Co. Tyrone although he was born in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA.

He died on 3rd September 1939 aged 49 years old. Oberleutnant Fritz Julius Lemp in U-30 sank the British vessel 370km north-west of Inishtrahull, Donegal, Éire.

The Athenia was the first British ship sunk by the German Navy during the Second World War. With 117 passengers and crew dead, the loss was the Donaldson Line’s greatest disaster. During wartime, Germany denied sinking the Athenia but admitted responsibility in 1946. Many considered the attack a war crime.