Clonard Monastery, Clonard Gardens, Belfast

During the Belfast Blitz in May 1941, Protestants from the Shankill Road joined their Catholic neighbours in the shelter of the crypt of Clonard Monastery.

Clonard Monastery

1 Clonard Gardens


Co. Antrim

BT13 2RL

Northern Ireland

The Clonard Monastery in Clonard Gardens stands off the Falls Road, Belfast. During the Belfast Blitz, Catholics and Protestants sheltered together from Luftwaffe bombs.

The Clonard Monastery chronicles detail many wartime events including the introduction of The Blackout.

September the 2nd 1939. A complete blackout has been ordered in the six counties. This causing not a little inconvenience to the community here in Clonard. From sunset to sunrise, all internal lights are to be concealed.

Clonard Monastery Chronicles.