8th July

Remembering the men and women of Ulster and Northern Ireland who gave their lives on 8th July throughout the years of the Second World War across the globe.

Lisnabreeny Former American Military Cemetery

On 8th July 2012, WartimeNI made its first visit to the Lisnabreeny Former American Military Cemetery in the Castlereagh Hills overlooking Belfast.

Remembering the Fallen

Antony Howard Hollingsworth

Lieutenant | 299319

Antony Howard Hollingsworth married Hazel Lilian Kerr in Northern Ireland before his death while serving during the Battle of Normandy on 8th July 1944.

Bernard McCormick

Private | 1524125

Private Bernard McCormick of Coleraine, Co. Londonderry died on 8th July 1944 during 7th Battalion South Staffordshire Regiment's time in Normandy, France.

Denis Harold Smallman

Lieutenant | 247203

Lieutenant Denis Harold Smallman died on 8th July 1944 as 7th Battalion South Staffordshire Regiment fought in the Battle of Normandy a month after D-Day.

Robert Young

Gunner | 1103248

Royal Artillery Gunner Robert Young of Dipton, Co. Durham served in Northern Ireland with 110th Field Regiment at the time of his death on 8th July 1942.