Edward Crangle

Fusilier Edward Crangle of Belfast died on 23rd May 1940 as the Royal Irish Fusiliers fell back to defend the La Bassée Canal on the retreat to Dunkirk.


Edward Crangle


Fusilier Edward Crangle of Belfast served in 1st Battalion Royal Irish Fusiliers at the time of his death during the British Expeditionary Force's retreat to Dunkirk.

Fusilier Edward Crangle (6979409) served in 1st Battalion Royal Irish Fusiliers during the Second World War. He was the son of Jane Crangle of Belfast.

He died on 23rd May 1940 aged 19 years old. At the time, 1st Battalion Royal Irish Fusiliers made up part of the BEF rear-guard during the retreat to Dunkirk. The Battalion had come under heavy fire as they fell back from the River Dendre to the La Bassée Canal. On 28th June 1940, the Belfast Newsletter listed a Fusilier Crangle of Oval Street, Belfast among a list of wounded. On 11th June 1942, the Belfast Telegraph stated:

Fusilier Edward Crangle, Royal Irish Fusiliers, previously posted as missing, is now presumed to have died from wounds shortly after May 23 1940.

Crangle’s uncle Private Robert Dickson (13011135) of the Pioneer Corps also died as a result of fighting during the British Expeditionary Force retreat to Dunkirk.

Edward Crangle has no known grave. His name is on Column 129 of the Dunkirk Memorial, Dunkirk, France.