Joseph Morrison

Rifleman Joseph Morrison was 37 years old at the time of his death on 14th May 1940. He served in Belgium with 2nd Battalion Royal Ulster Rifles in the BEF.


Joseph Morrison


Rifleman Joseph Morrison of Derrygonnelly, Co. Fermanagh served in 2nd Battalion Royal Ulster Rifles during the British Expeditionary Force's time in Belgium in 1940.

Rifleman Joseph Morrison (7009709) served in 2nd Battalion Royal Ulster Rifles during the Second World War. He was the son of Robert Morrison and Elizabeth Morrison, and the husband of Kathleen Morrison of Derrygonnelly, Co. Fermanagh.

He died on 14th May 1940 aged 37 years old. At this time, 2nd Battalion Royal Ulster Rifles were occupying prepared defences along the railway line east of Louvain, Belgium.

Joseph Morrison has no known grave. His name is on Column 129 of the Dunkirk Memorial, Dunkirk, France. His name is also on the Enniskillen War Memorial, Enniskillen, Co. Fermanagh.