4th June

Remembering those with connections to Northern Ireland who died on 4th June including an American Staff Sergeant, posthumously awarded the Silver Star.

Remembering the Fallen

Percy James Edwards

Private | 3960432

Private Percy James Edwards of Belfast died on 4th June 1943 while a prisoner of war in Germany. He served in 1st Battalion Welch Regiment in North Africa.

Richard McMillen

Rifleman | 7011809

Richard McMillen of East Belfast died in action between 25th May 1940 and 4th June 1940 while serving in Belgium with 2nd Battalion Royal Ulster Rifles.

James Gordon Stewart

Leading Aircraftman | 650034

Leading Aircraftman James Gordon Stewart died on 4th June 1947 aged 29 years old having served during the Second World War with the Royal Air Force.

Carmine S. D’Aniello

Staff Sergeant

Staff Sergeant Carmine S. D'Aniello posthumously received several top military awards from the US Army in 2020. He served in Northern Ireland in 1943-1944.